
What are the differences in food production systems and food standards globally and how does this impact on trade and the food available to UK consumers?  


At the heart of our role is the need to ensure food is safe and what it says it is, and in doing so protect consumers from risks within the food system and ensure high food standards. Core to this is a risk analysis process which relies on independent, science-led risk assessment and socio-economic analytical evidence, to support effective risk management decisions. To assure food safety and standards, we must also recognise that the UK is part of an international food supply chain, where we only produce around 50% of all the food we eat in the UK. Our exit from the EU and push for wider international trade has further highlighted how we need to understand the role of trade and international differences in production systems and food standards.

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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

FSA Areas of research interest

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