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Health and Safety Executive
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Questions from the Health and Safety Executive:
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1-20 of 74 results
What are the implications of technological changes on health and safety and how can effective regulation be assured?
How can it be ensured that regulatory regimes and interventions are coherent, effective, proportionate, and agile – enabling effective regulation and providing confidence to industry to innovate?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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What are the implications of technological changes on health and safety and how can effective regulation be assured?
How can safety be assured through the AI lifecycle and accountability through complex supply chains be achieved?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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What are the implications of technological changes on health and safety and how can effective regulation be assured?
How can the health and safety implications of AI outputs be predicted, controlled, or explained?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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What are the implications of technological changes on health and safety and how can effective regulation be assured?
What are the implications of AI and cyber-physical systems for worker health and safety?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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What are the implications of technological changes on health and safety and how can effective regulation be assured?
How, and in what ways, will Safety Tech maintain or improve risk management? What are the implications of Safety Tech adoption on effective regulation and existing legislative frameworks?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can social change, demographic shifts, hybrid working, the gig economy, and broader work landscape contribute to both opportunities and challenges for workforce safety?
What are the longer-term trends in flexible, hybrid and home working and what are the positive and negative impacts on workforce safety? What are the impacts of potential inequalities across sectors and groups of workers?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can social change, demographic shifts, hybrid working, the gig economy, and broader work landscape contribute to both opportunities and challenges for workforce safety?
What are the safety implications of changes in working patterns and the way in which work is organised (e.g. fatigue and shift patterns)?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can social change, demographic shifts, hybrid working, the gig economy, and broader work landscape contribute to both opportunities and challenges for workforce safety?
What is the size and nature of the gig economy? What different models of employment are there, how will this change in different sectors in the future and what are the implications for safety?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can social change, demographic shifts, hybrid working, the gig economy, and broader work landscape contribute to both opportunities and challenges for workforce safety?
Are there indicators that risk attitudes and/or behaviours are likely to change in the future: and for which groups of workers are they likely to change?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can social change, demographic shifts, hybrid working, the gig economy, and broader work landscape contribute to both opportunities and challenges for workforce safety?
How is social change impacting on change in risks to workforce safety? What competence is required to ensure organisations, managers and supervisors can support the workforce?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How can data and evidence be best used to identify and evaluate interventions that have appropriate and targeted impact on workplace safety systems in the short, medium and long term?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How will the work environment (including new technologies, new materials, changes in work practices and changes in the workforce) significantly change and what are the impacts on workplace safety? How do these changing risks interact and how can they be mitigated?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How can safety systems be improved by effectively linking, utilising and analysing leading and lagging safety data sets, including accident and incident investigation activities?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can it be ensured that our regulatory approach addresses the growing complexity of workplaces, encourages innovation, enhances safety, and avoids unintentional risk amplification, all while minimising regulatory burdens?
How can it be ensured that regulatory reform promotes safe workplace practices and does not introduce or amplify risks?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can it be ensured that our regulatory approach addresses the growing complexity of workplaces, encourages innovation, enhances safety, and avoids unintentional risk amplification, all while minimising regulatory burdens?
Are there alternative regulatory models, interventions and instruments to improve/encourage innovation and improve workplace safety outcomes whilst minimising regulatory burdens?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can it be ensured that our regulatory approach addresses the growing complexity of workplaces, encourages innovation, enhances safety, and avoids unintentional risk amplification, all while minimising regulatory burdens?
What is the evidence required to understand who has the accountability and responsibility for workplace safety and what is the outcome for those with multiple employment?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can it be ensured that our regulatory approach addresses the growing complexity of workplaces, encourages innovation, enhances safety, and avoids unintentional risk amplification, all while minimising regulatory burdens?
What is the evidence required to best understand who will take responsibility for 'risk' in a workplace and what is the outcome in an increasingly complex landscape?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How is climate change currently affecting the health and safety of workers, building users and communities, and what methods can be employed to best assess its evolving impact on the healthy and safe operation of residential and industrial assets?
What are the safety implications of widespread adoption (including retrofitting) across the built environment from low carbon heat solutions including the impact of non-fossil fuel heating and storage systems and the impact of heat pumps on noise/acoustic performance standards and legionella control?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How is climate change currently affecting the health and safety of workers, building users and communities, and what methods can be employed to best assess its evolving impact on the healthy and safe operation of residential and industrial assets?
What are the main health and safety challenges related to maintenance and repair of ageing low carbon energy infrastructure, such as offshore wind turbines?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How is climate change currently affecting the health and safety of workers, building users and communities, and what methods can be employed to best assess its evolving impact on the healthy and safe operation of residential and industrial assets?
What is the effect of climate change on the safe operation of industrial assets and what are the best methods to determine the effect?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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