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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How can data and evidence be best used to identify and evaluate interventions that have appropriate and targeted impact on workplace safety systems in the short, medium and long term?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How will the work environment (including new technologies, new materials, changes in work practices and changes in the workforce) significantly change and what are the impacts on workplace safety? How do these changing risks interact and how can they be mitigated?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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How can the effectiveness of workplace safety systems be enhanced by analysing data and leveraging insights to identify targeted interventions with impact across short, medium, and long-term perspectives?
How can safety systems be improved by effectively linking, utilising and analysing leading and lagging safety data sets, including accident and incident investigation activities?
Health and Safety Executive, 2024
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