Research is also needed to help AHT’s understanding of international cultural markets, where the UK sits comparatively and the impact culture has on international diplomacy. Protecting the UK’s cultural assets and understanding ways to consolidate and make better use of crucial data across AHT sectors is also of interest and more research on best practice would be useful.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Creative Partnerships (CP) was the biggest and longest running arts and education intervention in the world. It operated in England from 2002-2011 and worked intensively with over 2,700 schools, 90,000 teachers and over ...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: University of Nottingham
The project directly investigates the impact of cultural and creative education in schools, aligning with the question's focus.
There are growing concerns that many young people are increasingly being excluded from the arts and cultural activity as these subjects are being sidelined in schools and lack of funding for the arts is affecting their r...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: University of Bristol
The project explores the value of cultural experiences for young people, directly addressing the social and developmental impact of culture and creative education.
This project seeks to enhance engagement with, and impacts from, research and resources produced from a previous project funded under the Global Challenges Research Fund (entitled 'From displacement to development: arts ...
Funded by: GCRF
Lead research organisation: University of Edinburgh
The project focuses on arts education and youth empowerment, partially addressing the question's focus on the impact of culture and creative education.