How do consumers view and understand the food system, and balance their choices against multiple competing factors (including safety and standards, nutrition and health, choice, availability, affordability, sustainability, and welfare)?


The FSA’s mission is focused on protecting consumers and acting in the consumer’s interest. It is therefore essential to understand what influences and drives behaviours across the food system. To act in the consumer interest within food policy and the food system, we must understand and monitor behaviours, changing attitudes and consumer-driven trends, and play our part in supporting safe, healthy, sustainable diet choices for all. To implement effective policies, we need to understand what consumers think, feel, and do, and how these are changing, as well the differences between consumers, and how these impact on food security, food safety and public health. Understanding the role of new and emerging markets and business models, and through these, the role food businesses play in driving behaviour and influencing consumer demand, is essential. This includes the development and introduction of novel foods (such as alternative protein sources or genetically engineered foods). 

Next steps

Please contact the FSA Science Strategy, Research and Capability Unit at


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FSA Areas of research interest

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