We are keen to hear about cutting-edge approaches the research community is using which could have applications to our work. Particularly in ground-breaking evaluations, with robust focus on impact and value for money, what works and using more innovative techniques and data sharing
The lead contacts are: Lesley Smith, Senior Principal Research Officer, Analysis, Research and Co-ordination Unit, Analysis and Data Directorate: Lesley.Smith@levellingup.gov.uk and David Hughes, Head of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office: psChiefScientificAdviser@levellingup.gov.uk.
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges in a very short timeframe. It has required people and businesses to change behaviours and practices overnight. As a result of these drastic changes, it's brought...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: VERTIGO VENTURES LTD
The project proposes to enable researchers, medical experts, and key stakeholders to work together on problems and ideas to improve societal resilience in the face of a global public health pandemic, which directly addresses the question.
In order to deliver business as normal performance, healthcare care providers will need to reconfigure almost all services (many currently in abeyance) to accommodate the future challenges of covid-19 (For example; pulse...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: University of Strathclyde
The project focuses on re-designing healthcare service-user journeys with COVID-19 risk assessment and mitigation, which is not directly related to managing future uncertainty or improving performance and resilience.