This publication sets out areas where DfE is interested in more research and new evidence2. Given the broad policy agenda of the department it is not practical to provide an exhaustive list of research questions of interest. Instead this is a targeted list of areas which are both key departmental priorities and where we feel the research community is currently well placed to add to our evidence base. In terms of approaches to answer the questions, we are interested in both primary qualitative and quantitative research, secondary data analysis, and literature reviews/synthesis of existing evidence. For all questions we are interested in international perspectives and what has worked, or not, in other countries. For all our questions we are interested in how results differ for relevant sub-groups such as Free School Meal pupils, Pupil Premium pupils, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) pupils, Black and Minority Ethnic pupils, and gender.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
theTeacherCloud is a UK-based education technology SME led by Alan Wood (CEO/project lead), Barry Wood (CTO/technical lead), Apoorva Dixit (senior developer), David Grant (senior developer) and Betty Wood (QA testing). ...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: THETEACHERCLOUD LTD
The project addresses the specific needs of SEND learners in mainstream schools and proposes an innovative solution to improve support and outcomes.
Background: Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Northern Ireland (NI) experience extreme educational disadvantage and the Department of Education (DE) has made considerable investment to ensure identification,...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Ulster
The project aims to create a longitudinal profile of pupils with SEN in NI using a range of available government data sets, which can provide insights into approaches that lead to better outcomes for condition-specific learning needs in mainstream schooling.
Helping children with special educational needs reach their potential requires significant reforms in policy and support processes. With waiting lists for special needs assessment and appeals to Tribunals at a record hig...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: FULLSPEKTRUM LTD
The project develops FS:Insight, a business intelligence and management information system for LAs and schools, which can partially answer the question by reducing administrative burden and simplifying reporting and accurate student insights.