What scope does data analytics and AI have to tailor services to claimants’ needs? What are the benefits and risks of digital services? What is the effectiveness of digital transformation in driving efficiency and improving satisfaction?


This encompasses priorities around:
- continuing to reduce and prevent fraud and error in benefit expenditure
to deliver value for money for the taxpayer and an appropriate balance between effective fraud prevention and good customer experience
- becoming an increasingly data driven organisation with modern, secure, sustainable, and automated systems to drive better experiences for DWP customers, staff and taxpayers
- understanding customers’ experience so DWP can target interventions when and where they have the most impact
- working smartly and flexibly to deliver services when, where and how DWP customers need them, increasing analytical capability to tailor services to customers’ individual needs and circumstances

Next steps

Send correspondence and further questions to evidence.strategyteam@dwp.gov.uk.


This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

DWP Areas of Research Interest 2023 GOV UK

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