Enhancing our understanding of the longer-term best methodologies for evaluating the impact of different interventions, and the recent experiences of reform outside of England both across the UK and internationally, to inform our own reforms.
The lead contacts are: Lesley Smith, Senior Principal Research Officer, Analysis, Research and Co-ordination Unit, Analysis and Data Directorate: Lesley.Smith@levellingup.gov.uk and David Hughes, Head of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office: psChiefScientificAdviser@levellingup.gov.uk.
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
How do we know if development aid is spent effectively and delivering results? Aid effectiveness has become an important discussion point in international development in recent years, leading to renewed focus on how to m...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: Wildlife Conservation Society
The project partially answers the question and the authors have the necessary expertise.
This project is concerned with processes of environmental policy innovation within international organisations. Despite more than two decades of sustainable development policy, most indicators of environmental quality co...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sheffield
According to UNEP (2011: 14) 'disillusionment with our prevailing economic paradigm' has led to the green economy entering public policy discourses at multiple governance levels, a concept that necessitates 'an alternati...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER