What are the spatial drivers and distribution of R&D activity? Within that, what are the relevant roles of infrastructure, excellence and capacity?


This section sets out the key areas where we want to deepen our understanding to drive the levelling up agenda, and to unleash opportunity, prosperity and pride in place across the UK. In addition, we want to understand in more granular detail which interventions best drive local growth (local growth is an area of joint responsibility between BEIS and DLUHC).

Next steps

The lead contacts are: Lesley Smith, Senior Principal Research Officer, Analysis, Research and Co-ordination Unit, Analysis and Data Directorate: Lesley.Smith@levellingup.gov.uk and David Hughes, Head of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office: psChiefScientificAdviser@levellingup.gov.uk.


This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

DLUHC Areas of research interest GOVUK

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