How is international R&I activity distributed across the UK at a sub-regional level?


IRIA aims to build an evidence base useful for monitoring the effectiveness of UK international research collaboration, determining the value-for-money of international R&I interventions and comparing the UK with other countries. We support a wide range of programmes as well as building an evidence base that can be used for new interventions. This includes government plans to protect and support UK science, research, technology and innovation (SRTI) sectors, should association to Horizon Europe on fair and appropriate terms not be possible.
We are interested in assessing the value delivered from infrastructure which supports research and innovation, such as laboratories or institution headquarters. An example of this is the project to relocate the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) to the University of Readings’ campus.

DSIT has a good understanding of the lead recipients of funding from its R&I collaboration programmes (GCRF, FIC and Newton). However, we would like to understand more about the onward flows of money. We are interested in the extent to which funding from international R&I remains in the UK and the geographical distribution of R&I funding and impacts within the country. Questions include:

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