In its mission to improve outcomes for young people, CSY has a need to better understand regional disparities, routes to developing young people’s skills and employability in conjunction with their health and wellbeing.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
This project Youth Economic Activity and Health (YEAH) will address the UK's need for robust evidence on the pandemic's consequences for youth employment, learning and wellbeing. YEAH will address five related research i...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: University College London
The project addresses regional disparities and socio-economic groups in relation to youth employment, learning and wellbeing.
In 2012, no less than 15% of young people aged 15-29 in OECD countries were Not in Employment, Education or Training (so-called "NEETs"). The NEET rate varies markedly between countries. NEETs are an essential ...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Oxford
The project investigates the patterns, causes and consequences of youth inactivity in different countries, which could include regional or group differences.
This project will investigate the ability of younger workers living in the UK to make successful transitions in the labour market and the barriers that might prevent them from making progress in their careers. The motiva...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sheffield
The project investigates the transitions of young workers in the UK labour market, which could potentially include regional or group differences.