Research is also needed to help AHT’s understanding of international cultural markets, where the UK sits comparatively and the impact culture has on international diplomacy. Protecting the UK’s cultural assets and understanding ways to consolidate and make better use of crucial data across AHT sectors is also of interest and more research on best practice would be useful.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The cultural and creative industries have been subject to growing academic and policy interest, identified as a key growth sector and central to the nation's economic wellbeing and recovery from the recession. Yet, while...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: University of Leeds
The project discusses the cultural and creative industries, their impact on wellbeing and the challenges faced by workers in these industries, which partially addresses the question.
The creative economy is often celebrated for its contribution to the economy, in the form of job creation, the night-time economy, cultural tourism, and intellectual property. It contributes to policy and practice in ter...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: University of Edinburgh
The project explores social inequalities in the creative economy and its impact on quality of life and life satisfaction, which is relevant to the non-wage impact of cultural education.
The UK's arts & cultural sector is thriving: it contributes 674,000 jobs and £11.8bn per annum to the economy and remains one of its fastest growing sectors (DCMS, 2018). Yet despite this strong economic perfor...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: University of Leeds
The project focuses on the value of the UK's arts and cultural sector, its impact on the economy and wellbeing, and the need for better data analysis and evaluation, which is relevant to the question.