What asbestos remains in the built environment, at what rate is this currently being disturbed and how will industry trends impact on this?


HSE Strategic Objective: Increase and maintain trust to ensure people feel safe where they live, where they work, and in their environment (https://www.hse.gov.uk/aboutus/assets/docs/the-hse-strategy.pdf)

Research is required to address priority knowledge gaps that will underpin effective and proportionate regulatory regimes for building safety, construction and chemicals through evidence-based approaches. To underpin policy, regulatory and operational activities in this strategic objective the evidence requirements in this area will include:

To address key areas of focus for the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) to inform its continuing work to develop a collective understanding of the built environment that will underpin policy and regulatory decision-making and standards development with an improved understanding of building safety risk. This will involve identification and assessment of emerging risks and keeping abreast of changes and trends across the built environment. Research will also underpin the BSR strategic objective to lead the development of policy relating to the regular review of Approved Documents and the provision of associated technical advice to aid compliance with the building regulations.

To further develop understanding of innovation and of new and emerging legacy issues and their impact on building safety and on construction health and safety and associated standards and guidance. This will include identifying potential implications of new and emerging technologies for building safety risk profiles through the building life cycle and identifying opportunities to eliminate or reduce risks at the design stage whilst also informing the development of appropriate intervention strategies.

To inform standards and guidance development to improve the safety and standard of buildings and develop effective strategies for oversight of the built environment, evaluation of the BSR and to measure and build competence across the built environment and construction sector.

To enable transformative advances in health and safety across the diverse construction sector through technology and innovation and the new opportunities and risks arising from such changes.

To ensure that our approach to regulating chemicals and microbial control agents is effective, efficient, agile and based on up-to-date understanding and evidence. This will ensure that HSE continues to be an internationally influential and competent regulator that ensures the protection of workers, bystanders, consumers and the environment from chemicals whilst enabling GB to grow and prosper.

To develop the evidence needed to ensure that our regulatory approach to chemicals is fit for purpose for the future. This requires an understanding of the future trends in chemical use, technological changes and consequences for both health and environmental hazards.

To develop the evidence for innovative approaches to regulation through collaboration across HSE and other government departments, to make sure we maintain our world-class reputation for regulatory excellence. We will continue to make the best use of new data collection techniques, modelling and analytical methods to help us make proportionate regulatory decisions.

The questions provide more detail of the evidence needs within the main Areas of Research Interest Question Group.

Next steps

Get in touch: hsecsa@hse.gov.uk


This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

HSE areas of research interest 2024


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Research fields

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