For the deployment of current and future technologies, DI wishes to develop a stronger evidence base around the benefits of and barriers to their deployment, with a focus on the adoption of 5G and open network infrastructure to build the resilience of networks and support innovation. DI needs to develop models and techniques to understand efficient spectrum allocation and understand the issues surrounding the use of specific spectrum bands.
DI needs to better understand the trends around technological convergence, future demand for digital connectivity, regulation around access to the internet and emerging cloud services and their impact on security.
DI wishes to complement its understanding of current technology deployment with research into the work driving future technologies to develop and increase the UK’s future capabilities.
All of this needs to be underpinned by further research into the security and resilience of UK networks, addressing future developments and threats, gaining insight into the value of security interventions and barriers to investment in security.
If you are keen to register your interest in working and connecting with DSIT Digital Technology and Telecoms Group and/or submitting evidence, then please complete the DSIT-ARI Evidence survey -
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The demand for train-to-track communications are proliferating; with in-cab signalling, passenger WiFi, remote CCTV, passenger counting, e-ticketing and remote condition monitoring (RCM), passenger information systems (P...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: TELERAIL NETWORKS LTD
Addresses the use of existing rail infrastructure for mobile coverage and proposes innovative business models.
The London Underground is one of the only metro systems in the world to remain without Mobile Phone network voice and data coverage in the tunnels. It has been estimated that the provision of full coverage on the network...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: BATH LABS LIMITED
Proposes a novel method for providing mobile coverage in a specific location (London Underground).
Only a third of passengers on the UK's railways seem happy with the wifi service they receive on the train. People increasingly expect free and reliable internet wherever they go and are frustrated that train journeys in...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: OPTECT LTD
Addresses the issue of mobile coverage on trains and proposes an innovative solution using Infra-Red transmission.