How might future extreme weather, such as flooding and storms, heatwaves, and wildfires, affect the reliability and durability of: (i) underground fibre ducting; (ii) overhead cabling; (iii) mobile masts; (iv) hybrid wireless solutions such as satellite connectivity; (v) system wide vulnerabilities?


BDUK wishes to develop a stronger evidence base around the telecoms market and how it functions at a national level. In these markets, BDUK is interested in increasing understanding of infrastructure planning and decision making, as well as how infrastructure maintenance can be ensured in the long term.

BDUK would like more insight into the barriers to delivery of gigabit and mobile roll-out across the UK and what technological innovations may assist in this. International comparisons for gigabit and mobile connectivity roll out would also be beneficial.

Cutting across all programmes, BDUK wants to understand more about the impacts of fixed and mobile connectivity, specifically how greater connectivity benefits businesses, residents, and public sector organisations. In addition, BDUK also needs more evidence on the behavioural changes connectivity makes to residents and businesses which have been connected, and the wider impacts this may have.

Lastly, BDUK is interested in more evidence on the environmental impact of its work.

Next steps

If you are keen to register your interest in working and connecting with DSIT Digital Technology and Telecoms Group and/or submitting evidence, then please complete the DSIT-ARI Evidence survey -
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