What are the characteristics of the SEND and AP workforce? What are the barriers to SEND and AP staff recruitment and retention, and how can we overcome these?


A sizeable minority of children and young people in England face a significant range of vulnerabilities and disadvantages. These include those already known to children’s social care, children in need, those eligible for free school meals (FSM) because of low family income, those with SEND, in particular those who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans and those who attend Alternative Provision. Given the human, economic and social cost of poor performance in this area, we are seeking evidence on the best ways to improve outcomes for these children and young people, before issues become acute and require more significant intervention

Next steps

If you would like to discuss previous, ongoing or potential research into any of the areas in this document, please contact research.engagement@education.gov.uk.


This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

Df E Areas of Research Interest 2024

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    Partially relevant as it addresses social care staffing crisis but does not specifically focus on SEND and AP workforce characteristics and barriers.

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