How can DWP enhance its understanding of the most appropriate measures of independent living?


This encompasses priorities around:
- supporting groups that are under-represented in the labour market, including disabled people, who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
- initiatives to support people from these groups to start, stay, and succeed in work
transforming support for disabled people and people with health conditions to promote independent living and improve the customer experience
- influencing positive employer behaviours and promote good Occupational Health practice to help people maintain attachment to the labour market

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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

DWP Areas of Research Interest 2023 GOV UK

Related UKRI funded projects

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DHSC's areas of research interest ARI 3: shaping and supporting the health and social care workforce of the future Research objective: Research to optimise a public health, NHS, social care and wider health workforce that is effectively structured, trained, deployed and supported to deliver future effective and efficient models of healthcare which meet the needs of the UK’s ageing population. Priority research topics: Developing future models of healthcare which effectively and efficiently meet the changing needs of the UK population. Developing, evaluating and understanding how to implement interventions to enable a diverse health and care workforce to deliver world-class care while addressing the current recruitment, retention and wellbeing issues such as: - understanding the barriers to recruiting and retaining staff in the NHS and social care and identifying solutions including supporting wellbeing - identifying how to structure the workforce to meet future health needs and how to drive cultural and behavioural change within organisations - developing and evaluating interventions to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of staff (for example, skills-mix, task-shifting and service integration) - developing and evaluating technology-assisted workforce solutions to reduce burden on staff while maintaining patient outcomes (for example, diagnoses assisted by artificial intelligence, robotics to support surgery and care, remote monitoring of patients including hospital at home and virtual wards) Department of Health and Social Care, 2023