This encompasses priorities around:
- promoting financial resilience and reducing poverty, including by harnessing the full set of levers available through the Department and its public bodies, other government departments and Local and Combined Authorities
- supporting people to help meet the cost of living and work across government to support the formulation and delivery of effective housing policies, particularly with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC)
- delivering financial security for low-income working adults, and for children in low-income households
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
This research aims to assess the medium-run implications of COVID-19 on income and health inequality, and possible policies that aim to mitigate these effects. The medium run is important because the impacts of COVID-19 ...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: University of Glasgow
The project aims to assess the medium-run implications of COVID-19 on income and health inequality, and possible policies that aim to mitigate these effects.
During my secondment with the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS), I will conduct research examining the impact of long covid on employment and income in the UK, and how COVID-19 has disproportionately affected some po...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: King's College London
The project examines the impact of long covid on employment and income in the UK, and how COVID-19 has disproportionately affected some populations more than others.
Adverse direct and indirect impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic will disproportionately fall on individuals and families from poorer backgrounds, those in public facing jobs and living in higher density housing. Tow...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: University College London
The project focuses on the impacts of the lockdown and its aftermath for young children in a high-risk inner city area, which can provide insights into new health and educational inequalities resulting from COVID-19 restrictions.