
How many energy production sites will exist and what is the optimum scale they will
operate at?


To apply our expert knowledge and capability to enable businesses to understand both known and unknown risk and to innovate safely as we transition to net zero.
To develop our understanding of the future asset base and the role key stakeholders (e.g. designers, manufacturers, operators, etc.) play in managing risk and maintaining safe operations. To work with industry to prevent major incidents around new technologies and applications that come with the government’s commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through working with others to understand changing risks and challenges to ensure regulatory framework remains fit for purpose. We recognise that development of net zero technologies will present challenges that businesses and society are less familiar with. We will work to make sure that health and safety legislation does not prevent safe innovation and progress. To help manage risk, we will focus our attention on the breadth of activities that net zero encompasses. This will provide evidence to inform any policy, regulatory and operational changes needed to support business. We will achieve this by working partnerships with stakeholders, communication activities, regulatory interventions and enforcement. To bring together science, policy, and regulation, we will help businesses in Great Britain establish themselves as world leaders in net zero.

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HS Es Areas of Research Interest ARI 2023

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