Focusing on decarbonising buildings, to consolidate evidence around the potential effects of net zero on the housing stock, housing supply and the housing market.
The lead contacts are: Lesley Smith, Senior Principal Research Officer, Analysis, Research and Co-ordination Unit, Analysis and Data Directorate: and David Hughes, Head of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office:
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The project will undertake a feasibility study in the London borough of Lambeth, in partnership with key stakeholders, to accelerate the transition to net zero by testing innovative approaches to unlocking non-technical ...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: LONDON BOROUGH OF LAMBETH
The project addresses the transition to a net zero economy in a specific area, considering factors such as infrastructure, finance, people, and data, but does not specifically address the advantage for 'left behind' places.
The **BUNZ (Build-Up Net-Zero)** concept creates a new sustainable model for creating desirable net-zero performance-guaranteed new homes, whilst retrofitting existing homes to net zero. Energiesprong UK (ESUK) was set u...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: ENERGIESPRONG UK LIMITED
The project partially answers the question as it focuses on decarbonising buildings and improving the housing stock, but does not specifically address the geography of adjustment to a net zero economy.
PEC Homes wants to deliver affordable, high quality, well designed, cooperative and zero carbon housing projects that : * are flagships for innovation; * are community owned, warm, affordable, desirable zero carbon homes...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: PEC HOMES LIMITED
The project partially answers the question as it aims to deliver affordable, zero carbon housing projects, but does not specifically address the geography of adjustment to a net zero economy.