This publication sets out areas where DfE is interested in more research and new evidence2. Given the broad policy agenda of the department it is not practical to provide an exhaustive list of research questions of interest. Instead this is a targeted list of areas which are both key departmental priorities and where we feel the research community is currently well placed to add to our evidence base. In terms of approaches to answer the questions, we are interested in both primary qualitative and quantitative research, secondary data analysis, and literature reviews/synthesis of existing evidence. For all questions we are interested in international perspectives and what has worked, or not, in other countries. For all our questions we are interested in how results differ for relevant sub-groups such as Free School Meal pupils, Pupil Premium pupils, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) pupils, Black and Minority Ethnic pupils, and gender.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Approximately one in ten children and young people have a diagnosable mental health problem. Mental health problems in childhood and adolescence bring significant emotional, social, and educational disadvantage and prese...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Oxford
The project focuses on identifying children's mental health needs and the role of early intervention in preventing escalation.
One in ten children in the UK are affected by a mental health problem, causing significant distress to them and their families. Where these problems endure, they can hold children back from reaching their potential in sc...
Funded by: FLF
Lead research organisation: University of Cambridge
The project aims to build a prevention pathway for early mental health problems and addresses the role of early intervention in preventing escalation.
Many aspects of a child or young person's life can affect their mental health. If someone has a serious mental health problem their general practitioner (GP) may refer them to mental health (psychiatry) services for asse...
Funded by: SPF
Lead research organisation: University of Cambridge
The project addresses early identification of adolescent mental health problems and the role of early intervention, aligning with the question.