Which international supply chains do creative businesses rely on? What are the levels of supply chain resilience in the creative industries, and how easily can they switch to alternative markets?


In the creative industries (CI) there is a need to evidence approaches to better grow workforce skills and productivity explicitly addressing the skills gaps and shortages taking into account the complex dynamics of CI workforces, (e.g. including freelancers, contractors and employees in a range of organisational types from SMEs through to FTSE corporations). There is also a need to understand the level and type of innovation and R&D activity undertaken by creative businesses, and the impacts this has on growth, trade and societal benefits. We are also interested in how the creative industries are adapting business models and navigating new markets, as well as how these changes affect audiences. MCI wants to better understand the values and future values of the CIs including economic output but beyond this to consider societal delivery, soft power and net zero.

Next steps

Get in touch with csa@dcms.gov.uk


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DCMS areas of research interest GOV UK

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