Research is also needed to help AHT’s understanding of international cultural markets, where the UK sits comparatively and the impact culture has on international diplomacy. Protecting the UK’s cultural assets and understanding ways to consolidate and make better use of crucial data across AHT sectors is also of interest and more research on best practice would be useful.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The main objective is to develop a taxonomy of culture and heritage capital (CHC) that articulates the multiple benefits and values generated by culture and heritage (C&H)in a way that enables us to give weight to C&...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: Historic Bldgs & Mnts Commis for England
The project aims to develop a taxonomy for culture and heritage capital, which could be used to measure the impact of cultural events on local economies and societies, but it does not directly address forecasting methodologies.
Measuring the economic value of cultural sites and institutions poses challenges. Traditional economic impact studies have tended to value the market benefits of culture, such as the impacts on employment and gross value...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: Nesta
The project is relevant as it aims to measure the economic value of cultural sites and institutions, which is a part of forecasting the wider impact of major cultural events on local economies and societies.
The rationale behind this project is that cultural datasets are currently in a poor state of development and not fit-for-purpose. As many scholars, cultural workers, funders and policymakers have observed, cultural data ...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Leeds
The project is relevant as it aims to develop a framework for evaluating the impact of the cultural sector, which could be used to forecast the wider impact of major cultural events on local economies and societies.