"Crime prevention is the ability to understand and respond to drivers and inhibitors of crime, including crowd management, public trust, mental health and wellbeing.
Risk mitigation describes the development of evidence-based risk and threat management frameworks that enable best use of policing resource and the effective prevention of crime. Interventions may range from macro-policy changes to location and time-specific measures, such as making property more difficult to steal, reducing the market for stolen goods, or changing incentive structures (behavioural ‘nudge’). Our interest extends beyond crime to also cover internal organisational risk."
"We welcome your engagement with our ARIs in the following ways:
• If you have evidence that completely or partly supports or answers one of our ARIs, we invite you to share that with us. For any ongoing research relevant to policing and crime reduction, we encourage you to register your research on the College of Policing’s research projects map, which has been designed to promote collaboration and support requests for participants.
• If you are, or plan to be, carrying out research that relates to one of our ARIs, we’d like to hear about it. While we cannot respond to speculative approaches for research funding, we will where possible act to support your ambitions, including finding you policing partners where possible.
• If you are submitting a funding or grant application that aligns with one of our ARIs, we hope that referencing policing’s ARIs will help to strengthen your case for the possible public impact of the research.
• We will use the ARI document to structure our academic engagement, prioritise events and build new connections with external partners. We will be using our ARIs in our engagement with UKRI, and we will publish any opportunities for funding via our website https://science.police.uk/
Please send any correspondence and questions to csa@npcc.police.uk, including ‘ARI’ in the subject heading."
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Summary Criminological research has for some time focused on the types of people that commit crime and why they might do so. However, over the last decade, there has been substantial progress in research concerned with ...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University College London
The project focuses on predictive analytics in policing, which directly addresses the question of increasing precision in risk modeling and subsequent actions.
In recent years, a great deal of research activities associated with big data analytics of crime events and crime patterns has greatly expanded and been increasingly received attentions from practitioners and government ...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Surrey
The project discusses data assimilation and forecasting for urban crime models, which partially addresses the question by focusing on improving predictive distribution of crime rate.
Crime continues to cast a shadow over citizen well-being in big cities today, while also imposing huge economic and social costs. Prevention, early detection and strategic mitigation are all critical to effective policy ...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University College London
The project explores space-time interactions of dynamic networks in crime, policing, and citizenship, partially addressing the question by analyzing crime patterns and police activity patterns.