How can the UK effectively assess and mitigate semiconductor supply chain vulnerabilities?


The International directorate is interested in understanding how the UK’s standing in the world in the digital and tech sectors might look in the future. Horizon scanning and the trends of internet fragmentation, technology security, and the economic opportunities in digital change are of great interest. We are interested in understanding how businesses and other countries are responding to the changing geopolitical environment, particularly around the steps they are taking to safeguard critical technologies and promote growth in these key sectors. How can the UK remain economically competitive, technologically resilient and technologically secure? This is of particular interest in the context of semiconductors, where we are seeking to understand the right balance between supporting economic growth and protecting our national security. The impact of global digital standards and regulation and protecting the multistakeholder global internet is a priority for our international teams and research in this field would be of interest. One of the UK’s three priorities in digital standards is better incorporation into UK research and innovation. Research to support delivery of this objective is of interest.
Net Zero and global aims to reduce carbon emissions is important to DSIT and fully understanding and measuring the impact of new digital technologies would be of interest.

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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

DSIT Areas of Research Interest 2024 GOV UK

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