We are always interested in comparing the situation and activity in the UK to what is happening in our global partners and competitors.


"Technology Strategy

As the team has a broad remit, there are a range of different areas of evidence needs. These are likely to be areas of ongoing enquiry, as we seek to keep abreast of market and technological developments. We are also interested in the interaction of these issues e.g. with systems approaches.

Evidence challenges
One of the main challenges we have is that SIC codes do not readily permit us to do analysis of technology sectors, so we need to use specialist datasets, bespoke studies or natural language processing to enable us to collect data on the issues.

We work with technology experts to define classifying methods.

How evidence is used
We already have databases on business activity and equity funding in the team, with access to other datasets across the Department on research activity, exports, skills, patents, IP, etc. We are nevertheless always interested in hearing about new data developments in this space.

We also have evidence from commissioned studies, and call for evidence responses.

Next steps

If you are keen to register your interest in working and connecting with DSIT Science, Innovation, and Research Directorate, and/or submitting evidence, then please complete the DSIT-ARI Evidence survey - https://dsit.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cDfmK2OukVAnirs

Link to ARIs : https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/department-for-science-innovation-and-technology-areas-of-research-interest/dsit-areas-of-research-interest-2024

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