We are interested in how the plutonium could be reused in reactors including existing reactors, current reactor designs and emerging reactor designs. We are also interested in the stages that would be necessary to enable the reuse of plutonium (Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel manufacture) and any constraints that would limit how much of the plutonium inventory could be reused or how quickly it could be reused.
We are not interested in funding research associated with development of new reactor designs.
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Nuclear fission is currently internationally recognised as a key low carbon energy source, vital in the fight against global warming, which has stimulated much interest and recent investment. For example, RCUK's energy p...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Edinburgh
Partially relevant as it focuses on fuel reprocessing but not specifically on reuse of plutonium in reactors.
nFREDMANS aims to increase safety and efficiency in both nuclear power production as well as the recycling of spent fuel. Changing from oxide fuel to a more fissile dense material with higher thermal conductivity can enh...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Partially relevant as it addresses recycling of spent fuel and advanced nuclear solutions, but not specifically focused on plutonium reuse in reactors.
With the UK committed to reducing its reliance on fossil fuels by 2050, there must be a commensurate increase from other energy sources to maintain and provide for increased energy requirements, at the same time increasi...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Oxford
Partially relevant as it examines the behavior of fission products in oxide nuclear fuels, but does not specifically address the reuse of plutonium in reactors.