A possible end option for spent fuel is disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF). We are interested in how we would treat (encapsulation) and package spent fuel to enable its disposal in the GDF.
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The UK has traditionally reprocessed its nuclear fuel rods to extract and re-use the ~95% uranium and ~ 1% plutonium that remains once they are removed from the reactor. It is becoming clear after reviews by government b...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Cambridge
This project specifically focuses on the behavior of UK specific spent fuels under conditions relevant to geological disposal, addressing the encapsulation and packaging of spent fuel for disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility.
As a result of 60 years of using nuclear energy in civil and defence operations, the UK has generated a large legacy of nuclear waste, with a total volume capable of filling Wembley Stadium (450,000m3). The hazards posed...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sheffield
This project critically analyzes the structure of spent fuel in radionuclide release, specifically focusing on the release of radionuclides from UK spent fuel upon contact with groundwater, which is directly relevant to the question.
This research is a joint UK and US effort to understand the long-term safety of used nuclear fuel (UNF), the primary waste arising from the generation of electricity by nuclear fission. With more than 440 commercial nucl...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sheffield
The project specifically focuses on understanding the long-term safety of used nuclear fuel and its disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility, addressing the question of disposal fully.