The grow and level up the economy strategic priority is at the heart of the government’s agenda to spread opportunity across the UK. Transport has a crucial role to play, whether it be through improving connectivity across the United Kingdom and growing the economy by enhancing the transport network, on time and on budget. DfT has a number of specific interests in this space, notably our infrastructure projects, Places for Growth and our apprenticeships and skills work.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Social issues are important in the contemporary transport challenges facing in our cities, towns and rural areas today. However, they have been much less studied by transport researchers than other aspects of transport p...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Oxford
The project partially answers the question by considering social impacts and social equity issues in transport, which is relevant to the analysis associated with the Government's levelling-up agenda. The authors have the necessary expertise to competently answer the question.
Numerous research studies use commuting data, collected through the Census of Population, to understand social, economic and environmental challenges in the UK. This commuting data has been used to understand patterns; a...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Manchester
The project partially answers the question by using commuting data from the Census of Population to evaluate transport policy and investment decisions, which is relevant to the analysis of levelling-up. The authors have the necessary expertise to competently answer the question.
HORIZON EUROPE “ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND SPATIAL INEQUALITIES IN EUROPE IN THE ERA OF GLOBAL MEGA-TRENDS” (ESSPIN) PROJECT Understanding inequalities and designing public policies to address them. The ESSPIN Project explore...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Lead research organisation: LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS & POL SCI
The project explores social, economic and spatial inequalities in Europe, which could provide insights into the government's levelling-up agenda, but does not specifically address the role of social welfare functions or new census data.