The grow and level up the economy strategic priority is at the heart of the government’s agenda to spread opportunity across the UK. Transport has a crucial role to play, whether it be through improving connectivity across the United Kingdom and growing the economy by enhancing the transport network, on time and on budget. DfT has a number of specific interests in this space, notably our infrastructure projects, Places for Growth and our apprenticeships and skills work.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Railways have a vital role in any 21st century transport policy. No other form of transport could cope with the large numbers of people transported into and around major cities every day by commuter railways and metro sy...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Southampton
The project focuses on improving cost efficiencies and enhancing financial sustainability of rail.
To develop a predictive model of the rail network which focuses on forecast outcomes across a range of business and customer service objectives. To develop advanced statistical analysis and modelling/simulation technique...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM
The project focuses on developing a predictive model of the rail network, which partially addresses the question.
Governments have recognised that the continued dependence on the motor vehicle is unsustainable and that modal shift to low and zero-carbon public transport solutions, both for passengers and freight, is essential if leg...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: TDI GROUP LIMITED
The project focuses on improving cost efficiencies and enhancing financial sustainability of rail through the commercialization of a sustainable and low-cost rail passenger experience.