We have a fundamental responsibility to uphold the rule of law and to ensure that victims receive the best possible outcome. We will do this by catching offenders and by ensuring victims of crime receive both justice and the support they need from us and our partners.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The criminal justice system has over many years introduced a range of initiatives designed to reduce crime and support offenders in their efforts to desist from crime. One recent initiative, originating in the U.S.A and ...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: Plymouth University
The project focuses on understanding the effectiveness of the community justice approach in reducing re-offending and examines the operation of the Community Justice Court.
Until recently, the large amounts of administrative data routinely collected about offenders as they are moved through the Criminal Justice System have been inaccessible to research. Instead, our understanding has largel...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Surrey
With criminal justice cuts, legal aid issues, barristers' strikes and COVID, the UK has seen court backlogs spiral to over 400,000 cases and left victims waiting years for justice. Majority of cases will be for low-level...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: MAKE TIME COUNT TODAY LTD
The project aims to develop an AI data analytics platform to help police forces streamline the restorative justice process and reduce the court backlog, which could indirectly contribute to reducing re-offending.