What does ‘ideal’ judicial diversity look like? What promotes, enables, and sustains diversity within senior levels of the judiciary? At what point within a career path does enabling activity lead to greater future judicial diversity?


We want to modernise the procedures and infrastructure of our courts and tribunals, leading an effective, efficient and coordinated justice system across all the civil, criminal and family justice jurisdictions.

Next steps

We can be contacted at the following email address: evidence_partnerships@justice.gov.uk.


This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:

Areas of research interest

Related UKRI funded projects

  • From Difference to Diversity: An Imaginative Critique of the Judicial Appointments Process in England and Wales

    This project explores the legal imagination. In particular, it focuses on the role of the imagination in shaping and informing understandings of the judge and judging. It contends that our understandings and interpretati...

    Funded by: AHRC

    Lead research organisation: Durham University

    Why might this be relevant?

    The project partially answers the question by exploring the role of imagination in shaping understandings of the judge and judging, but does not specifically address the promotion, enablement, and sustainability of diversity within senior levels of the judiciary.