We want to improve the way people are supported in their interactions with the justice system, to target timely and efficient resolutions that lead to positive and sustainable outcomes for all parties involved.
We can be contacted at the following email address: evidence_partnerships@justice.gov.uk.
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
"Advice agencies, support providers, clearinghouses and public legal education providers all exist to help people when they need support to solve their legal problems. However, accessing this complex network of supp...
Funded by: ISCF
Lead research organisation: ETIC LAB LLP
The project explores the complex network of support for legal aid services and aims to provide an overview of the network for clients and advisors.
Legal advice is vital to accessing asylum or immigration status and many social and welfare rights such as housing, welfare benefits, and community care. Yet access to legal advice has been affected by legal aid changes ...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sussex
The project examines access to legal advice across the UK, focusing on the Social Welfare and Immigration Legal Aid sector, which is relevant to understanding how different individuals and groups perceive their experiences of legal aid services.
The project explores the language of DIY Justice by focusing on communication as an inherent part of court hearings as well as court processes and procedures. Since cuts to legal aid in 2013, an increasingly high number ...
Funded by: AHRC
Lead research organisation: Birmingham City University
The project focuses on communication practices and processes in court hearings and procedures, which is partially relevant to understanding how different individuals and groups perceive their experiences of legal aid services.