In an increasingly connected and complex world, we need to optimise our use of rich and diverse data sets to inform decision makers in a timely manner. As the types and volumes of information available to the commander increase, this will place a greater importance on tools and techniques to collate, synthesise and visualise information in a timely and understandable way so that it can be readily acted upon. Different sources will have different degrees of assurance but combining multiple information sources greatly increases the robustness of the analysis – although we need to be able to show levels of certainty/uncertainty within the analysis.
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Human-Autonomous Systems (HAS) are collections of human and autonomous agencies of great importance to, defence, disaster and emergency response, transport, and energy services (especially in hostile/inhospitable environ...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Bath
The project addresses the integration challenges of operating autonomous systems with legacy military capabilities and focuses on improving the collective capability of human-autonomous systems.
The UK defence provision is undergoing two major transformations concerned with improving the agility of the armed forces (effects based operations) and the defence supply chain in order to respond to rapid changes in ca...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: Loughborough University
**This collaborative project between Sirius Constellation Ltd and Kings College London will look at the technical feasibility of applying a number of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to the ever increasing amount ...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: SIRIUS CONSTELLATION LTD
The project looks at the technical feasibility of applying AI techniques to provide more accurate and trusted assessments of real-time satellite data, which partially addresses the question of integrating people with autonomous systems.