Crimes such as homicide and theft, and drugs such as heroin and cocaine have always been of public concern, and there has been a recent focus on areas such as child sexual abuse, modern slavery, new psychoactive substances, online fraud, and online indecent images of children.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Areas of research interest relevant to the Home Office GOVUK
The number of potential victims of modern slavery referred to the National Crime Agency's National Referral Mechanism has risen consistently since the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. A significant contributo...
Funded by: COVID
Lead research organisation: University of Nottingham
The project focuses on interventions for child criminal exploitation, which is one of the factors contributing to vulnerability to exploitation mentioned in the question.
The landscape of where modern slavery and sexual exploitation takes place has changed over the past decade with the onset of digital technologies dominating the organisation of the commercial sex industry. Adult Service ...
Funded by: SPF
Lead research organisation: University of Leicester
The project addresses interventions for preventing modern slavery within sex work, which is related to vulnerability to exploitation mentioned in the question, but does not fully answer the question.
Human trafficking is widely described as one of the world's biggest, fastest growing and most lucrative organised crimes. For all the bold rhetoric, there is woefully little scientific evidence on human trafficking's sca...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University College London
The project focuses on deciphering and disrupting transnational human trafficking, which is related to vulnerability to exploitation mentioned in the question, but does not fully answer the question.