Enhancing our understanding of the longer-term best methodologies for evaluating the impact of different interventions, and the recent experiences of reform outside of England both across the UK and internationally, to inform our own reforms.
The lead contacts are: Lesley Smith, Senior Principal Research Officer, Analysis, Research and Co-ordination Unit, Analysis and Data Directorate: Lesley.Smith@levellingup.gov.uk and David Hughes, Head of the Chief Scientific Adviser’s office: psChiefScientificAdviser@levellingup.gov.uk.
This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Over the next few years, the construction sector will witness a wave of infrastructure projects (£60 billion of spend each year over the next decade) and ground work will be undertaken to set future financial settl...
Funded by: ISCF
Lead research organisation: NSAR LIMITED
The project specifically addresses the operational efficiency of infrastructure projects and proposes strategies for improvement, with input from academic experts and industry stakeholders.
This research project is a collaboration between academia, industry and the non-ministerial department responsible for the oversight and effective delivery of major projects and programmes in government, the Infrastructu...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sussex
The project aims to improve project delivery and help reduce costs and improve outcomes, which directly addresses the question of improving the operational efficiency of the planning regime.
National infrastructure provides essential services to a modern economy: energy, transport, digital communications, water supply, flood protection, and waste water / solid waste collection, treatment and disposal. The OE...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Oxford
The project focuses on multi-scale infrastructure systems analytics, which is not directly related to the question of improving the operational efficiency of the planning regime.