Development and climate change issues are key to ensuring a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future trading environment, particularly in the context of economic recovery. Further evidence should evaluate the impact of policy interventions on developing countries, and to consider the trade-off between global prosperity and green recovery agendas.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
We are in the midst of a global green wave, with climate catastrophes, new laws and regulation, and an increase in visible environmental activism all supercharging demand for more sustainable products in our homes and wo...
Funded by: Innovate UK
Lead research organisation: SHOP GREENR LTD
The project provides a platform that helps consumers measure the impact of shifting to greener goods and empowers them to make informed decisions.
The global biodiversity and climate crises cannot be solved in isolation or by merely ramping up what is already being done. Urgent and ambitious transformative changes are needed in our economies and societies. Through ...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Lead research organisation: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON
The project explores transformative changes in economies and societies, including consumer behavior, which could indirectly measure the impacts of shifting consumer preferences for greener goods, but it does not directly address the long-term sectoral impacts.
Governments around the world and supply chain companies are looking to set ambitious GHG emission reduction goals that include farmers. It is recognised that other factors than those related to environment issues influen...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: University of Aberdeen
The project aims to measure the economic impact of practices that reduce GHG emissions, which is directly related to shifting consumer preferences for greener goods.