Development and climate change issues are key to ensuring a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future trading environment, particularly in the context of economic recovery. Further evidence should evaluate the impact of policy interventions on developing countries, and to consider the trade-off between global prosperity and green recovery agendas.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Our GCRF TRADE Hub addresses a global challenge that has led to dramatic decline in biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in the past century, and if not addressed will significantly imperil the development of lower inco...
Funded by: GCRF
Lead research organisation: World Conservation Monitoring Cen WCMC
The project addresses the impact of policy interventions on developing countries and considers the trade-off between global prosperity and green recovery agendas, partially answering the question. The authors have the necessary expertise to competently answer the question.
Though the shipping industry is considering the formation of a discrete emissions trading scheme for the industry as a whole, some in the industry foresee shipping emissions increasing out to 2050 and beyond (albeit at a...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Manchester
The project explores potential opportunities within the shipping industry for making large reductions in emissions, partially answering the question. The authors have the necessary expertise to competently answer the question.
The close cultural and economic links that exist between the United Kingdom and Canada provide a number of opportunities post-Brexit for the investigation of how the two countries may be able to expand their existing tra...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Winchester
The project investigates the impact of a Circular Economy approach on trade relationships between Canada and the UK, partially answering the question. The authors have the necessary expertise to competently answer the question.