Development and climate change issues are key to ensuring a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future trading environment, particularly in the context of economic recovery. Further evidence should evaluate the impact of policy interventions on developing countries, and to consider the trade-off between global prosperity and green recovery agendas.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
This project addresses the challenge of how we can make sure that rapid and extensive action to mitigate climate change can be leveraged to deliver both Agenda 2030 and a well below 1.5o C world. The project takes a whol...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: Imperial College London
This project addresses the challenge of evaluating best practice intervention for addressing climate change and gender equality by analyzing the interactions between human development and the environment with rapid climate mitigation and identifying policy interventions for transformational change.
The ARUA Centre of Excellence in Climate and Development (ARUA-CD) tackles the triple challenge of enabling development that is equitable, resilient to existing and expected climate risks and impacts, and is low in carbo...
Funded by: GCRF
Lead research organisation: University of Cape Town
This project focuses on building African capacity for climate and development challenges, but does not directly address the evaluation of best practice intervention for addressing climate change and gender equality.
Climate change brings many highly uncertain impacts onto society and economy, and its risks, incorporating vulnerability, require more comprehensive assessments. This requires an enhanced understanding of the interdepend...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Lead research organisation: IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON
The project specifically focuses on evaluating climate change impacts, adaptation, and mitigation measures, including aspects such as gender inequality, aligning with the question's focus on evaluating best practice interventions for addressing climate change and gender equality.