Development and climate change issues are key to ensuring a prosperous, equitable and sustainable future trading environment, particularly in the context of economic recovery. Further evidence should evaluate the impact of policy interventions on developing countries, and to consider the trade-off between global prosperity and green recovery agendas.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Our GCRF TRADE Hub addresses a global challenge that has led to dramatic decline in biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in the past century, and if not addressed will significantly imperil the development of lower inco...
Funded by: GCRF
Lead research organisation: World Conservation Monitoring Cen WCMC
The project addresses the risks of de-forestation, biodiversity, and habitat loss in producer countries and has a team of experts in economics, trade, ecology, and development.
CLEVER identifies new leverage points for sustainable transformation informed by a novel holistic approach to quantify biodiversity and other impacts of trade in major raw and processed non-food biomass value chains. In ...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Lead research organisation: WCMC
The project addresses biodiversity and habitat loss through sustainable transformation of biomass trade, but does not directly address deforestation or trade distortion.
The project aims to reduce commodity-driven forest and biodiversity loss and to guide sustainable investments by making untapped data and methods accessible to relevant stakeholders and due diligence processes. Almost ha...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: University of York
The project focuses on reducing commodity-driven forest and biodiversity loss, but does not specifically address the risks in producer countries. However, the authors have expertise in remote sensing, biodiversity modeling, and commodity supply chain models.