Clean and plentiful water underpins human activity and supports natural ecosystems. A robust evidence base is required to develop policy to ensure there is a plentiful supply of water in the long term and to significantly enhance the quality of water available to all forms of life.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The project aims to support the delivery of integrated, sustainable water management for new developments by provision of tools and guidelines for proj design, implementation and management. It consists of six core work ...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
The project focuses on sustainable water management for new developments, which partially addresses the question of promoting efficiency and investment in the water sector, but does not directly address incentivising environmentally responsible behaviour from all branches of society.
Water for all is the aim of this consortium. The UK water sector faces grand challenges over the coming decades: increasing population, ageing infrastructure, and the need to better protect the natural environment all un...
Funded by: EPSRC
Lead research organisation: University of Sheffield
The project aims to address the challenges in the water sector and provide tailored solutions for positive impact, which aligns with the question.
A reliable and acceptable quantity and quality of water, and managing water-related risks for all is considered by the United Nations to be "the critical determinant of success in achieving most other Sustainable De...
Funded by: GCRF
Lead research organisation: Newcastle University
The project focuses on resolving water security issues, which is partially relevant to the question.