To achieve resilience to climate change, halt biodiversity loss, sustainably manage land and support rural communities and economies, we need informed and targeted policy development, interventions, and enforcement. These must engage appropriate actors (individuals, communities, businesses, and government) and be at the right scale and place. We also need to evaluate the impacts of our interventions.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Globally, human societies face a burgeoning challenge of achieving sustainable use of natural resources to provide food, fuel, water and amenities for an increasing population under the context of climate change. At its ...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: NERC CEH (Up to 30.11.2019)
The project addresses the challenge of achieving sustainable use of natural resources to improve human health and support economic development, which aligns with the goal of improving the status of the natural environment and securing economic, social, and health benefits domestically and globally.
Globally, human societies face a burgeoning challenge of achieving sustainable use of natural resources to provide food, fuel, water and amenities for an increasing population under the context of climate change. At its ...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY
The project addresses sustainable use of natural resources, climate change, and improving livelihoods and wellbeing, which aligns with the question's focus on improving the status of the natural environment and securing economic, social, and health benefits.
NATALIE addresses the risks posed by climate change and its impacts and proposes to advance the concepts of “ecosystem-based adaptation” in Europe combined with climate resilient development pathways, as the means for im...
Funded by: Horizon Europe Guarantee
Lead research organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
The project addresses the risks posed by climate change, proposes nature-based solutions, and aims to accelerate and mainstream adoption of these solutions for resilience.