Adaptation and resilience: Defra is the lead government department for climate adaptation, responsible for the assessment of appropriate action to protect and enhance natural and human systems in a changing climate. Also, for increasing resilience and mitigating against risk. Such assessment is used in many areas, including for the statutory requirement of the Climate Change Act to produce a 5-yearly, “Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) and National Adaptation Programme (NAP)”.
Although Defra has overarching responsibility for producing the CCRA and is responsible for managing several climate risks (such as impact on the natural environment), a number of climate risks (such as the impact on transport, health, business) are the responsibility of other government departments (for example Department for Transport (DfT), Department for Health (DfH), Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG).
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
Climate hazards are weather and climate 'extreme events' that can cause loss of life, injury, or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods, service provision, and environme...
Funded by: NERC
Lead research organisation: NATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY CENTRE
This project assesses the impact of climate change on climate hazards, which includes extreme events such as storms, heat waves, and droughts, and provides information valuable for understanding the impact of increased climate variability and extreme events on natural and human systems.
In order to enhance resilience to weather events and climate change, it is necessary to assess risk. This project provides first estimates of a series of indicators of climate risk, using UKCP18, relevant to climate risk...
Funded by: UKRI
Lead research organisation: UK CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY
This project develops indicators of climate risk using UKCP18, which can support risk assessments and enhance resilience against the impacts of increased climate variability and extreme events.
Climate change is one of the major threats of the 21st Century both nationally and globally. This requires a joint response of mitigation and adaptation as enshrined in the UK Climate Change Act, which mandates a Climate...
Funded by: UKRI
Lead research organisation: University of East Anglia
This project aims to support UK assessment of climate risks and adaptation needs, including impacts of flooding, heat stress, and changing temperature and precipitation, which are relevant to understanding the impact of increased climate variability and extreme events on natural and human systems.