The process of EU Exit presents important challenges for UK governance. We work to ensure that we have the right governance in place to support the UK government and devolved administrations.
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This question was published as part of the set of ARIs in this document:
The devolution settlements in the United Kingdom have been embedded in UK membership of the European Union. Policy areas like agriculture, the environment, fisheries, regional development and justice and home affairs, ar...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Edinburgh
The project focuses on the structures and constitutional mechanisms that can support relationships between devolved administrations and UK government in the context of EU Exit.
Brexit means that Northern Ireland (NI) is located at the interface of the UK and the EU. This is not just in geographical terms; the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and its Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland place NI in a p...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: Queen's University Belfast
The project specifically addresses the challenges and implications of implementing the Protocol on Northern Ireland in the context of EU Exit.
Calls for a 'bonfire of the quangos' regularly appear on the political agenda in the UK, but often fail to deliver significant reforms. Now, however, the Coalition Government is making a sustained attempt to reform these...
Funded by: ESRC
Lead research organisation: University of Birmingham